Windows Xp Clean Install Instructions
Note: You are following these instructions at your own risk and if your data is not saved before hand, you will lose it.
Step 1
Save any documents you may want as doing a clean install of XP will wipe your hard drive clean.
Step 2
Make sure your computer’s CD/DVD drive is set as the 1st device in the boot order.
If it is not you need to change it in the system’s settings (bios). Entering the bios may differ from one computer to another but generally if you look as your computer starts up, on the logo screen it should display what key to press to enter the bios. (It is usually “DEL”, “F1”, “F2”, “F10”, or “F11”). Once in the bios, look for the boot order and follow the instructions in your bios to get it as the first boot device.
Step 3
Insert a genuine copy of XP and restart your machine. You will see “Press Any Key To Boot From CD……”. Press any key at this point.A blue screen will appear and begin loading files. Once the files have been loaded, the screen will say “To Install Windows Press Enter” Press “enter” at this point. The install will look for previous versions of Windows. To do a clean install you want to delete any existing partition or old install. If a previous version is found, press the “Esc” key. Then highlight the partitions and press “D” to delete. It will probably want you to confirm the deletions by pressing “L” then “Enter”. Do so at this time. The end result you should have is one partition left. Press “Enter” to install on this partition. Windows will then ask how you want to format your drive. For best results choose “Format NTFS” (Not the “Quick Format” but the Full Format). Windows will then begin formatting your drive.
Once the format process is complete, you will see files being copied to the hard drive. Once this is complete your computer will restart. When it restarts, be sure not to press any key when you see “Press Any Key To Boot From CD”. Just leave it alone and the install will continue.
Follow the on screen prompts to finish the installation. You will need your key code which is located on your machine (a 25 character set of numbers and letters) or your packaging the disc came in.
Step 4
Once the install is complete and Windows XP starts, be sure to load an anti-virus and to update the operating system using Windows Updates and install any programs you need at this point.
Note: If you currently do not have a Genuine copy of XP. You can click the image below to purchase one.
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